- Cervical cerclage (laparoscopic and vaginal)
- Colposcopy including LLETZ
- Contraception including mirena, implanon, sterilisation
- Endometrial ablation
- Incontinence surgery
- Hysteroscopy, metroplasty/septoplasty
- Hysterectomy (laparoscopic – total/subtotal, vaginal)
- Laparoscopy (myomectomy, treatment of endometriosis, ovarian drilling/ovarian cysts)
- Pelvic floor repair (anterior/posterior repair, sacro-spinous fixation, laparoscopic sacro-colpopexy)
- Reversal of sterilisation
- HRT & Menopause
- Infertility management
- Menstrual disorders
- Pelvic floor disorders
- Pelvic organ prolapse
- Pelvic pain
- Postmenopausal bleeding
- Recurrent vaginal discharge
- Vulval surgery (aesthetic including labioplasty)
- Vulvodynia
- Cervical cerclage (laparoscopic and vaginal)
- ECV (External cephalic version)
- Elective caesarean section (patient request)
- Low to high risk obstetrics
- Medical disorders of pregnancy
- Maternal assisted caesarean sections
- Pregnancy following assisted reproductive treatment (IVF)
- Special interest in recurrent miscarriage
- Twin pregnancy
- VBAC (Vaginal birth after caesarean section)
Your first appointment is generally between 6 and 14 weeks of your pregnancy. This will be approximately a half hour visit, during which your past medical history and the current pregnancy will be discussed. Dr Rowlands may perform a dating ultrasound scan and recommend screening tests. At this visit any concerns or queries you may have will be addressed.
6-12 weeks
Blood tests: Full blood count, blood group and antibody screen, rubella and varicella antibody levels, hepatitis b & c, syphilis serology, HIV, thyroid function tests
Mid-stream urine microscopy and culture
Urine for chlamydia screen
10-14 weeks
First trimester combined screening test for Down syndrome (a combination of a blood test and ultrasound scan) or non invasive pre-natal blood testing (NIPT)
18-20 weeks
Obstetric morphology ultrasound scan
26-28 weeks
Blood tests: Glucose challenge test, full blood count, antibody screen, vitamin D levels
32-36 weeks
Growth scan: biometry, amniotic fluid index, fetal weight
35-37 weeks
Group B streptococcus screening. Under certain circumstances, and depending on the results of the above tests, additional tests may need to be arranged.
In order to assess the progress of your pregnancy and to detect any complications, regular visits to see Dr Rowlands are necessary. These should take place at the following frequency: 4 weekly until 30 weeks of pregnancy gestation, 2 weekly until 36 weeks, and weekly until delivery. At times more frequent antenatal visits need to be arranged on an individual basis.
Depending on your wishes/requests, delivery options include: spontaneous vaginal delivery +/- aided with vacuum or forceps, elective caesarean section (usually performed at 38 weeks+), emergency caesarean section if problems arise during labour.
Dr Rowlands will review you 6 weeks post delivery. He will discuss your delivery in detail, examine as appropriate and ensure your complete recovery. Contraception will also be discussed at this appointment and your cervical smear will be updated as appropriate.